Thursday, November 29, 2012

P 1 Pink

Teaching first grade is the least stressful job I have ever had and one of the most rewarding ones. I spend the day teaching things that I have a pretty good knowledge of (anyone remembers the table of 2? What material are the windows made of?) The challenge is only in finding fun ways to do so. Like dancing and playing games.
P 1 Pink in Halloween

I work at the English program therefore the kids have very good command of English. Still, English is the second language for most so they speak with a little bit of an accent and they make the cutest mistakes (like me!). About half of them is a mix of Thai and Western parents; one is a Malaysian, one is a Russian, and two are Chinese descendants.

The day starts with twenty four little hugs. It goes on with a million “Teacher Flo!” and the most ridiculous and funny stories. From “Yesterday I go to play Zombies” to “This weekend I celebrate my birthday again, but this time with Russian friends only” to “In the zoo I see a worm with a million feet one time”.

They talk very much and to stay on their seats is a great challenge to them. Every once in a while they drive me crazy. Then, they do or say something that makes me melt with love.

For example, the last week I was explaining that we had to make cards for Fathers’ Day. Since a couple of kids do not have fathers, I told them that they could do the card for their granddaddies or anyone they loved. Beam, a boy whose English is very bad but whom everybody loves because he is adorable, showed me his card and left me speechless: he draw his mom, himself, and me on it! I could only hug him and kiss him, and made a big effort to not cry.

Something remarkable about these kids is their empathy and willingness to share. Today we went to the zoo and one girl was crying because she had not brought her hat. Another girl gave her hers without even thinking and smiled happily for making her friend feel better. Another bought ice-creams for the kids that had not brought money and told me that she was happy to do so because her daddy had given her lots of money and could afford treating her friends. Every time a kid is missing something (like a ruler or rubber –yes, an eraser!) I ask the group who could lend him the item and the whole class yells “Me!!!”

They also make me laugh lots. The twins Pop and Posh like to put my shoes on their tiny feet at the end of the day and walk around the class giggling nonstop. That is one of funniest things ever, closely after the whole class dancing Gangman Style!


  1. Sweet post...I can see your smile through your writing. Happy that you've found something you enjoy doing so much.

  2. You just made my day!! Big smile on my face!! Thanks!
